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Books, and Newspapers and Movies, Oh My! : Getting the Most from Your Library Card
Books, and Newspapers and Movies, Oh My! : Getting the Most from Your Library Card
In this presentation you will hear about the importance of acquiring a library card and learn about the various materials you can access with the card.
United States Federal Census Records
United States Federal Census Records
Learn about why and when the census was started and its importance to your research.
It’s Not Your Grandparents’ Filson!
It's Not Your Grandparents' Filson!
Learn about the importance of the Filson to Louisville, the Ohio Valley Region, the Commonwealth, and the Nation.
Using Yearbooks for Family History
Using Yearbooks for Family History
Learn how yearbooks are useful with your research and how they have changed over time.
Researching Women In Civil War Medicine
Researching Women In Civil War Medicine
In this presentation, participants will learn the role of women in 1860s regarding medicine and medical records of both the Union and Confederacy.
Finding Your French-Canadian Ancestors In Quebec
Finding Your French-Canadian Ancestors In Quebec
This presentation will provide strategies and resources for researching your ancestors in and out of Quebec.
Researching In Ontario: Find Your Trillium Connection
Researching In Ontario: Find Your Trillium Connection
This presentation will provide participants an initial plan and resources to research their ancestors that lived in Ontario.
On The Road To Becoming A Certified Genealogist
On The Road To Becoming A Certified Genealogist
Understand the certification categories, certification process, keys to success, and the new pilot project to further simplify the certification process.
Land Claims, Grants & Deeds: The Story of Appalachia
Land Claims, Grants & Deeds: The Story of Appalachia
In this presentation you will learn about the early Charters of the King and the Crown Grants and about families who pushed inland or were pushed over the mountains.
What’s Up With Y-DNA?
What's Up With Y-DNA?
This presentation will explore Y-DNA testing, Haplogroups connections, and current tests available.
Kentucke Becomes Kentucky: A Review of the Road to Statehood
Kentucke Becomes Kentucky: A Review of the Road to Statehood
This webinar will focus on learning objectives regarding the historical context of the founding of Kentucky and early records.
Essential Sources for Jewish Genealogy Research
Essential Sources for Jewish Genealogy Research
Learn how to research your Jewish ancestors and about their immigration waves to the United States.