Who We Are



Here is the Kentucky Genealogical Society Bylaws.


The Kentucky Genealogical Society is committed to creating an inclusive learning environment for all Kentuckians and Kentucky genealogical researchers.

The Society strives to offer a wide array of topics that support the varied Kentuckian experience and highlight the kaleidoscope of humans of every race, color, religion, national origin, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability, age, veteran status, or immigration path that have called Kentucky home since before its statehood in 1792.

The Society offers members the incredible opportunity to learn and grow together in pursuit of genealogical education and preservation.

Land Acknowledgement

The Kentucky Genealogical Society acknowledges the place called present day Kentucky is historically indigenous homeland that belonged primarily to  Cherokee, Chickasaw, Miami, Quapaw, Osage, and Shawnee peoples prior to largely European settlement.

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