The Freedmen’s Bureau is a goldmine for those researching in the South after the Civil War.
Kentucky’s Hidden Heritage: Exploring War of 1812 Veterans’ Documents
Discover valuable sources for researching Kentucky veterans of the War of 1812. Learn about federal records at the National Archives and other resources at the KDLA in Frankfort. Uncover your ancestor’s service and delve into their sacrifices.
Tips for Finding Kentucky Vital Records
Tips for genealogists. Determining if a vital record exists for your Kentucky ancestor.
Laurel County: Researching Historic Newspapers
Family researchers can find older editions of Laurel County Newspapers online at Family Search. This post contains instructions and examples.
Our Unexpected Finds at the KY Dept Libraries and Archives
The KDLA has many records of genealogical value that are free to the public.
Secrets for Finding and Using Maps For Your Family Research
Maps assist genealogists with locating where ancestors lived and worked. Learn how to use the different and free maps in your family research.
Finding Your Kentucky Ancestor’s Death Notices
Obituaries document an ancestor’s death. We collected multiple sources for locating even the most obscure death notice. Many are free!
Researching Divorces in Kentucky of Yesteryear
Kentucky divorce laws have varied from one period to another. When researching a divorce, you must take into account the period, location, and circumstances.
Finding Marriages for Formerly Enslaved Persons
In 1866, Kentucky enacted an imperfect law to legitimize marriages of the formerly enslaved. Many Scott County, KY records survived.
Beginner’s Guide to Researching Kentucky Land Grants
To gain a deed in early Kentucky, you needed a land patent. This post explains the process pioneers used, and where to find these free genealogy resources.
Finding Kentucky Church Records for Genealogy Research
Many early churches kept better records than the local county clerk. We suggest places where you can finding church records but it means looking in several places.
Kentucky County Research: Social Media
The following Facebook groups and pages are actively involved in answering specific questions specific to Kentucky counties. Carter County — Rattlesnake Ridge Genealogy Group Promoting the discussion and research of family history among those with ties to Carter...