Our 2022 Volunteer Staff Rocked Our World
The Kentucky Genealogical Society is an all volunteer organization. Without the kindness of many family researchers across the United States, we could not accomplish our mission. With Thanksgiving around the corner, it is the season to be thankful. The Board of...
Past Society Grant Program Recipients
A recap of the Kentucky Genealogical Society grant projects for digital archives.
KY Genealogical Society Collaborates with FamilySearch
The Kentucky Genealogical Society and FamilySearch.org are pleased to announce that they have joined forces to locate genealogically significant Kentucky records to digitize and post online for free.
Summer 2022 Seminar: Researching Your Kentucky Ancestors
One thing family researchers know, Kentucky's 120 counties are not always the easiest place for a family tree investigation. To be effective at this task, you must keep your ears open for opportunities and mind open to fresh techniques. With that in mind, our talented...