Most family researchers find a journey to an archive a potentially serendipitous treat. Uncovering new evidence is ...

For many Kentucky researchers, the US census is the go-to record for understanding family genealogy. Since 1790, the US government has counted the inhabitants of the states.

Facts and tidbits that we are so anxious to share with others in our family. We have all watched someone’s disinterested eyes glaze over as we share information. So, how do you share these stories without being referred to as the best “sleep aid” around?

Expand your research outside your family and their house.

Botherum House has an impressive lineage. It was built for Sally Ann Clay by her husband, Madison Johnson.

All genealogists encounter brick walls, but just as frustrating are mysteries which come up in their research. ...

When confronted with family research issues that seem to be difficult to solve, genealogists should apply the ...

Family researchers can find older editions of Laurel County Newspapers online at Family Search. This post contains instructions and examples.

KYGS Member finds her family in The Log Cabin newspaper

While cutting grass in an older cemetery section, he found an old military headstone. It was a member of the United States Colored Troop of the Civil War.

The following Facebook groups and pages are actively involved in answering specific questions specific to Kentucky ...

Maps assist genealogists with locating where ancestors lived and worked. Learn how to use the different and free maps in your family research.