Family History Library: A Genealogist Visits for Vacation
An amateur genealogist visits the Family History Library in Utah. She shares her tips for you to use for your dream vacation visit.
Which Kentucky Periodicals Can Help You Find Your Ancestors
As a family researcher, make sure you are familiar with free resources available from historical societies.
Dealing with Brick Walls: Those Disappearing Ancestors
All family researchers have Kentucky ancestors who simply disappear from the records. Here’s some tips for why they vanished and how to find them.
Western KY Genealogy: Locating Ancestors at Pogue Library
Pogue Library, on the Murray State University campus, has many genealogy records for those searching for western Kentucky ancestors.
Photography’s Important Role in Genealogy
Photography and genealogy go together. Let’s explore the history of photography and how to care for antique photographs.
Finding Your Kentucky Ancestor’s Death Notices
Obituaries document an ancestor’s death. We collected multiple sources for locating even the most obscure death notice. Many are free!
Finding More Kentucky Relatives with DNA Results Today
An experienced genealogist shared her DNA across platforms with amazing results. Increase your chances of finding cousins across the world with this easy trick.
Researching Divorces in Kentucky of Yesteryear
Kentucky divorce laws have varied from one period to another. When researching a divorce, you must take into account the period, location, and circumstances.
Researching Kentucky Bloodlines at the NEHGS
Tour the New England Historic Genealogical Society library to review their Kentucky collections.
Finding Revolutionary War Veterans in Kentucky
Find your Kentucky Revolutionary War Veteran with these resources.
Becoming Your Family Storyteller: Tips and Tricks
Attributed to Della M. Cummings Wright, my favorite description of a genealogist is this: “We are the storytellers of the tribe.” The responsibility to convert our genealogical research into a format to share with others covers a wide range of options. Formats can be...
Tips for Publishing Your Family History
As an amateur genealogist, I have captured my genealogy research into nine family history books. The process of changing your research into a written family history is what I call "chronicling". Chronicling has two categories: using on-line/software tools and using a...