The Kentucky Genealogical Society is an all volunteer organization. Without the kindness of many family researchers across the United States, we could not accomplish our mission. With Thanksgiving around the corner, it is the season to be thankful. The Board of Directors wants to acknowledge the many volunteers who have helped make our goals possible this year.
Volunteers Are Not Just in Kentucky
Our volunteers come from many areas of the country and all spans of life. Some help a few times a year, while other volunteers assist on multiple committees and dedicate many hours each month to our projects.
“Volunteers are the lifeblood of the Kentucky Genealogical Society,” said Chris Padgett, President. “The talents, time, and commitment of volunteers make everything possible. As we approach the fiftieth anniversary, we have so much more work to do. We’re just getting started. I want to invite all members who have the capacity to please sign up to volunteer in some way. Join us as we bring about a revival of this important resource for Kentucky researchers around the globe.”

Volunteers Benefit Also
While many think volunteering is about the society, it also benefits the individual.
“Volunteering is an excellent way to meet other members across the United States,” said Kathy Keyser, our Membership Vice President. “They might be people who are researching the same surnames, geographic area, or even same time period. You build relationships with people you would normally never even meet!”
Many of our volunteers are long-time family researchers who know the tricks of the trade. “I have met so many great people. My family gets bored talking about ancestors, but not this crew,” agreed a society volunteer. “Plus, I know I am helping forward a cause I believe in.”
If you are interested in volunteering, use this Volunteer form to show your interest and availability. You can accomplish many of our opportunities from your desktop with a few hours a month.
The Volunteers Who Rocked Our World
During 2022, our volunteer staff from across the United States assisted with the following committees and projects. Our society is better today than it was yesterday, thanks to the efforts of volunteers.
Communications Committee
This committee informs the membership and public about programs and events through social media and periodical publications. The team writes and edits blog posts, the newsletter, and other society communications.
This committee is led by Tricia Aanderud (Palm Coast, FL).
Digitization Grant Committee
This committee recruits applicants and selects the recipients of the digitization grant.
This committee is chaired by Susan Court (Arlington, VA).
The committee was assisted in reaching out to potential applicants by:
Membership Committee
This committee prepares soliciting new members, responds to member questions, and encourages renewals. This committee is also responsible for the monthly Front Porch Talks meeting.
This committee is led by Kathy Keyser (Lexington, KY).
Programs & Seminar Committee
This committee arranges and conducts all adult education webinars and bi-annual seminars. This includes the publicity and IT operations for these events.
The committee is led by Chris Padgett, Louisville, KY.
Projects Committee
This committee conducts the projects approved by the Board of Directors. There were multiple projects this year.
By-Laws Committee
This team rewrote and updated the KYGS bylaws.
The committee is led by Chris Padgett, Louisville, KY.
Family Group Sheet Project
This team collected family group sheets, set up and tested the website to contain family group sheets.
This committee is led by Deborah Oliver (Nancy, KY).
KYGS-FamilySearch Collaboration Project
This team works with FamilySearch to locate genealogically significant Kentucky records to digitize and post online for free.
This project is led by Susan Court (Arlington, VA).
Lineage Project
This team is establishing the society’s lineage offering.
This committee is led by Terry Smith (Owensboro, KY).
Digital Archive Project
This team transferred records from the Member Portal website into the Omeka platform, so the content was easier to search and access.
This committee is led by Tricia Aanderud (Palm Coast, FL).
KYGS Board Members
Board members are the lifeblood of this society. Thank you so very much for agreeing to serve in this capacity. Your commitment makes a difference.